
Photo: Kristin Bae Mysen

He was our beloved cat, and we will never forget his faithful devotion and how he winked his eyes in order to show us his truly love. Now his picture is hanging in the hallway, and in that way he has never really left us. It is painted by Randi Kvilaas, a professional pet portraits designer.  kvilaas@hotmail.com



Photo: Kristin Bae Mysen

I have a tree in the forest which is all mine. Nobody else knows about it of course, but never the less it is mine. I always stop up and give it a hug when I pass it on my walks. While hugging my tree, I feel close to nature and get inner peace.

Trees have always fascinated me, many of them are planted before my time and they have survived many highlights in the history. They are solid and they don’t give in.

I was thrilled when I discover that I am not alone hugging trees. On Facebook there is a  Facebook group Klem et tre, where I now have joined.

Hugging in general is important for us, just watch this and you know what I mean.



Photo: Kristin Bae Mysen

It gives me peace of mind to watch the birds glide in the sky and see the clouds spontaneously forming patterns.




Photo: Kristin Bae Mysen

“Dirt, mud, clay, earth, soil: we have many words for it but few do it justice. In today’s virtual world many of us have, literally, lost our connection with the soil. But soil is the earth’s living skin, overlying the bedrock below and making life on earth possible. Like air and water, soil is part of our life support system”.

European Environment Agency



Photo: Kristin Bae Mysen

The 17th of May is Norway’s Constitution Day, and it is celebrated with children’s parades, food, drink and festivities. The trees have just turned green and the streets are full of people wearing “bunader”, Norway’s traditional national costumes. Everywhere you look there are children with an ice-cream cone in their hands and a smile on their face. And flags. There are lots and lots of flags in the colorful processions of children with their banners and bands – not military parades – that play the main role.

Norwegian National Costumes are suits/dresses special and unique for each district or area of Norway. These special garments are worn on holidays and special occasions such as weddings and on the National Day. I simply love my bunad, and I feel so proud every time I wear it. It is part of my identity of being Norwegian, and part of my identity of being from Indre Østfold, the eastern part of the country. This is how mine look like, and this is how my son’s look like, this is my daughter’s and both of them are from the southern part of Norway, Agder where we live.

I asked a lady from Bosnia once what she thought had been the best part by coming to Norway as a refugee during the nineties, and I expected an answer like living in a free country with no war and so on. She replied quite surprisingly; – It is every year to be a part of the Norway’s National Day with all its “bunader”.

Join the day yourself by watching the celebration from Oslo here!!


krrrrrrrrrNorwegian version

I more or less stumbled over this book, and because of its cover it was love at first sight. But the content was even better. It is something so rare as a feel-good book from Kabul in Afghanistan, and I simply couldn’t lay it down. I had to read it right through. If you enjoyed the Kite runner, you’ll love this.
350 000 sold copies in England so far. Order the English version from here!

“A superb debut novel . . . [Deborah] Rodriguez captures place and people wholeheartedly, unveiling the faces of Afghanistan’s women through a wealth of memorable characters who light up the page.”—Publishers Weekly


This color circle has always fascinated me. The circle is based on the three primary colors; yellow, red and blue. They are primary because they are impossible to create. If we mix any two of the primary colors, we’ll have the secondary colors orange, purple and green. If these again are mixed we’ll have the tertiary colors.

But the really fun part is the complementary colors. These are the two colors that stand directly opposite each other in the color circle, such as red and green and purple and yellow. If you stare at a color, for example red, for 30 seconds and then look at something white – like a blank piece of paper or a white wall, you will always see the complementary color to the original, in this case green.

For interior design or design in general, this makes a very exciting mix. Myself I love to play with these combinations on different types of design. The colors are equally strong, complement each other and at the same time fight for attention. Therefor the best is to use one as a base and the other for details.

On the cover of my book “Blå hester i Guds hage – om å være til stede i eget liv” ( Look above at the right side here!) I choose the orange – blue combination which I do like a lot. It is also worth noticing how the nature itself also know how to work these combinations. An example is the beautiful purple – yellow Viola tricolor.


“To express the love of two lovers by a marriage of complementary colors, their mingling and opposition, the mysterious vibration of kindred tones.”                      

—Vincent van Gogh, September 1888 


Dette er markedsgutten som utgjorde logoen til Momarkedet gjennom alle år. Den er tegnet av Truls Nygaard. Dette postkortet fikk jeg tilsendt av en hyggelig Mysen-dame som visste at jeg var på jakt etter et bilde av logoen. 

Året er 1974 og den svenske popgruppen med det spesielle navnet ABBA vinner årets Eurovision Song Contest. (Navnet ABBA er satt sammen av forbokstaven til de fire medlemmene nemlig Anni-Frid, Benny, Björn og Agnetha). Året etter i 1975 er denne svenske eksportartikkelen det store trekkplasteret på Momarkedet på Mysen, og som fjortenåring den gang, kan jeg fortsatt huske hvor stort det hele var. Se filmene herfra og herfra.

For noen år siden hadde jeg behov for å få ned på papir erindringene fra den tiden som var høydepunktet i året for oss barn og ungdommer på Mysen, og skrev derfor artikkelen “Momarkedet – en minnebok” som ble trykket i Smaalenenes Avis.  Artikkelen kan leses her !



I denne “feel-good” boken “Barndomsliv på Vinstra” inviterer forfatteren leseren med på en interessant og ikke minst underholdende reise gjennom en bit av Norges kulturhistorie. Den omhandler en barndomstid på 1940- og 50 – tallet med beskrivelser og bilder fra et bygde- og hjemmemiljø på Vinstra i Gudbrandsdalen. Her er vennskap og lek, skole og fritid – og ikke minst noen glimt fra den spesielle epoken under krigsårene. Ruth Sønsterud Mysen deler raust med seg av minner, mye kjært – noe sårt fra en tid som var svært annerledes enn i dag. Hun skriver personlig om en barndom i trange kår, men som også var preget av glede og frodighet.

Ruth Sønsterud Mysen (f.1938) var lektor i norsk og hadde lang erfaring fra ulike skoleslag da hun gikk av med pensjon. Hun ble cand.philol i 1995 ved UiO med avhandlingen «Fra Per til Peer…» om møtet mellom den historiske Per og Ibsens Peer i skuespillet. Hun valgte dette temaet ut fra nostalgiske følelser og god kjennskap til det historiske stoffet. Hun er bosatt på Mysen i Østfold, men vokste opp på Vinstra i nærheten av Per Gynts gård Hågå. “Barndomsliv på Vinstra” er hennes første bok.

Boken er å få kjøpt i alle bokhandlere i Norge, kan bestilles direkte fra forfatteren på arjomyse@online.no eller den kan bestilles ved å trykke på boka på høyre side av bloggen. Få med deg denne særpregede leseropplevelsen. En perfekt gavebok !!